The third project meeting took place according to plan on September 17 and 18, 2020. Due to the COVID pandemic, the meeting was held online and was attended by representatives of all project partners. The aim of the meeting was mainly to discuss the partners' plans for the implementation of Service-learning training in youth work and the possibilities of implementation of training Service-learning in work with youth in the online form, in case it will not be possible to carry out the training physically; finalize intellectual outputs of IO2 and IO3 to agree on the basic concept and structure of the changed IO4 output. A separate part of the meeting was devoted to issues related to the financial management of the project.
In the first part of the meeting, the partners presented their intentions in the area of implementing training service-learning in youth work. They went through the individual training lessons and the possibilities of adapting them to the online environment. At the same time, they discussed the advantages and disadvantages of implementing the training online. The partners agreed that if the current pandemic measures in the country do not allow the training to take place offline, the training will take place online. At the same time, they agreed on mutual information on the implementation of training and the exchange of experience on this topic between project meetings. The second part of the meeting devoted in detail to the outputs of IO2 - Service learning manual for youth workers and IO3 - Service learning manual for youth. Coordinating partners of these outputs went through in detail the individual comments sent by the project partners, focusing in particular on those where it was necessary to adopt the joint decision. Subsequently, they agreed on a specific modification and deadlines for finalizing the first version of these outputs, so that they could be used in testing and the implementation of service-learning projects. In the next part of the meeting, the partners focused on the IO4 output. As part of this output, they were at the last project meeting proposed changes to the coordinating partner. The partners elaborated a proposal for a new output concept and its comparison with the form of output planned in the project
applications. At the same time, they assessed that the new form of output will not have an impact on the project budget or individual project partners. A separate part of the project meeting was devoted to the creation of documentation for testing the outputs of IO2 and IO3, which will also be used to measure the outputs, results, and impact of the project. Partners jointly create documentation in English, which includes forms for evaluating outputs, evaluation forms for young people, workers with youth, and organizations in which service-learning projects will be implemented. The last part of the project meeting was dedicated to the financial management of the project.
The training in Romania took part online from 27 to 29 October 2020. There was also a follow-up meeting organized on 17 November 2020.
The sixth project meeting was held on March 23 and 25, 2022 in Banská Bystrica. The meeting aims were: to prepare activities for the conference – multiplier event before the event, to evaluate the conference after the event, to prepare the follow-up plans for the project and to discuss financial issues of the project.
The fourth project meeting was held online on January 25 and 26, 2021, due to measures related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
The fifth project meeting was held on November 16 and 17, 2021, in hybrid form. The meeting aimed to evaluate pilot activities within the project and outputs testing, based on the testing of the results, make their final adjustments, and plan the multiplication event of the project - the final conference.