Fifth project meeting

The fifth project meeting was held on November 16 and 17, 2021, in hybrid form. The meeting aimed to evaluate pilot activities within the project and outputs testing, based on the testing of the results, make their final adjustments, and plan the multiplication event of the project - the final conference.

The project coordinator opened the meeting and presented the program. Participants shared expectations for the meeting and agreed on working rules. The coordinator briefly presented the project overview, the project scheme and the current status of the project.

Each partner briefly presented pilot activities and cooperation with organizations and youth. The partners' experience is different, and the young people implemented other projects in several areas. The partners agreed to develop examples of good practice from the projects as part of outputs O2 and O3. The partners shared the benefits, challenges, and lessons learned from the project. All are summarized meeting records. Subsequently, the coordinator reviewed the number of people involved in the testing.

The coordinator presented a proposal in the area of ​​output design creation. At the same time, the partners agreed that all outputs must be completed by the time of the international conference.

As part of the finalization of IO1, the coordinator summarised the external assessors' opinions on the project output. As additional work, the partners agreed to prepare an online version of the presentation so people could use it during the online training. As part of the finalization of the IO2 output, the partners passed the assessments of external assessors. Based on feedback and knowledge from testing, they agreed to add two chapters to the manual for youth workers. Specifically, it was a chapter on the implementation of SL projects in an online environment and a chapter aimed at supporting motivation for the performance of a SL project. As part of the finalization of the IO3 output, SMART presented the current version of the output IO3. The partners agreed to add examples of good practice in the implementation of SL projects to the output of IO2 and IO3. At the same time, the partners worked together on the structure for creating examples and agreed on which models will be presented from individual countries. At the end of this part, they also decided on the distribution of responsibilities and deadlines for this task.

The second day of the meeting was primarily concerned with planning the international conference - a multiplier event. The project partners agreed on the date of the conference and the goals and content of the conference. The objectives of the conference were planned to be: promotion of the EDUVOL project outputs, promotion of SL, sharing of good practice examples, networking and sharing between conference participants, sharing of experience with the implementation of online SL, recognition of leaders and supporters in SL. The conference program was prepared for two days, and responsibilities were divided for individual parts of the conference and conducting workshops, which also included the presentation of SL projects and the outputs of the EDUVOL project.

At the end of the meeting, the partners addressed the financial issues of the project. In the end, the partners evaluated the meeting and its implementation. After the meeting, the project coordinator sent the participants an evaluation form for the meeting. In the form, the participants expressed their satisfaction with the meeting despite the fact that it was conducted online. They positively evaluated the meeting's goals, its content, and organizational security. Documentation from the meeting (attendance list, program, presentation, and meeting minutes) is available from the project coordinator.


22 November 2021

The fifth project meeting was held on November 16 and 17, 2021, in hybrid form. The meeting aimed to evaluate pilot activities within the project and outputs testing, based on the testing of the results, make their final adjustments, and plan the multiplication event of the project - the final conference.

31 March 2022

International conference: Volunteering as an Educational Opportunity – Service-learning in Youth Work and Schools 

The conference took place on March 23-24, 2022 in Banská Bystrica.

31 December 2020

The training on service-learning was organized 10th and 11th of December 2020  online. 


31 October 2020

The training in Poland was organized for two groups of participants during October 2020 online.