Second project meeting in Poland

The second transnational meeting on the EDUVOL project took place on 4 and 5 March 2020 in Poland, in Warsaw. The aim of the international meeting was to jointly prepare the first version of the training for youth workers and manual for trainers (IO1), present reports from the mapping of needs in partner countries and incorporate the results into the creation of outputs, prepare a basic version of other outputs and plan in detail the next steps in the project implementation.

At the beginning of the meeting, the participants agreed on the basic rules and agreed on the agenda of the meeting. This was followed by a presentation on the mapping of needs within individual countries (presentations are part of the project coordinator's documentation). Each partner realized mapping in a specific way, the partners used online surveys as well as individual and group interviews. Based on mapping presentations, the partners arrived with conclusions that will be incorporated into outputs. In the next part, the partners agreed on the first version of the O1 exit, which included defining the name of the training, goal, target group, learning outcomes, criteria for participants, training evaluation, and trainer profiles. In the next part, each partner presented their proposal for the methodology of individual lessons and together we completed the first version of the training. In the end, the partners agreed on the documentation that will be used in the training. In the next part of the meeting, the partners focused on the preparation of the output of the O2 - Manual for youth workers. They agreed that each of the partners would prepare a brief description of service-learning in their country, as well as the structure of individual chapters and system of work and time schedule of work on the output. Similarly, they agreed to work on the O3 output. The partner responsible for coordinating the O4 output suggested based on the survey he conducted, a change in the content of output O4. The partners agreed to this change and agreed to prepare a new concept at the next meeting output. At the end of the meeting, the coordinator summarized the tasks of the individual partners and the partners evaluated the meeting.


10 March 2020

The second transnational meeting on the EDUVOL project took place on 4 and 5 March 2020 in Poland, in Warsaw. The aim of the international meeting was to jointly prepare the first version of the training for youth workers and manual for trainers (IO1), present reports from the mapping of needs in partner countries and incorporate the results into the creation of outputs, prepare a basic version of other outputs and plan in detail the next steps in the project implementation.

24 September 2020

The third project meeting took place according to plan on September 17 and 18, 2020. Due to the COVID pandemic, the meeting was held online and was attended by representatives of all project partners. The aim of the meeting was mainly to discuss the partners' plans for the implementation of Service-learning training in youth work and the possibilities of implementation of training Service-learning in work with youth in the online form, in case it will not be possible to carry out the training physically; finalize intellectual outputs of IO2 and IO3 to agree on the basic concept and structure of the changed IO4 output. A separate part of the meeting was devoted to issues related to the financial management of the project.

25 November 2019

The first project meeting took place according to the plan from 21 to 22 November 2019 in Slovakia, in Banská Bystrica. The meeting was attended by all project partners, the participants were the persons responsible for the project and its implementation.

01 October 2020

Traning for youth workers in service-learning was implemented two days  23. and 24. September 2020 in Banská Bystrica in 365 lab Link coworking center, Lazovná 5, 974 01 Banská Bystrica.